For years, now, I have been attracted to men in the military. I have no idea why, though, and that's the funny thing. Normally people know why they like or dislike something, but I really have no idea. I haven't ever, until recently, really thought about how much I like military men (especially Army). I just think it's funny because I didn't get my heart broken by an Army guy, and normally, as humans, we do things that once caused us pain, in hopes to get over it.
When I was in high school, there were always Army, Marine, and Navy recruiters in the cafeteria, hoping to convince teenagers to join some branch of the military. Many of these confused teenagers would talk to the recruiters, and eventually join. To me, this was always a stupid choice. Why would anybody willingly put their life in danger for millions of people they don't know?
The war in Iraq started when I was in high school, so many of these young boys and girls knew there was a possibility of being shipped over seas and dying. They were all drawn to these recruiters like bees to honey. They hung on every word they said and couldn't wait to turn 18, so they could be shipped to training and become the next kid to get shipped back home in a body bag. (I don't oppose the military. Honestly.)
I really do admire those who serve our country. They are heroes and are courageously doing something that I wouldn't have the guts to do. Don't think that I'm trying to criticize the military or dog on those who choose to serve in it. I respect almost all of the men and women in the military. They are doing a job that I sure don't want to do.
Back to my point.
In my high school years, I started watching movies about war and the military. Most of them showed hot men in uniforms (maybe that's why I like the military men so much!!!). I then started hanging out with guys who would were either in the military or soon would be. I've associated with a number of men and women in the military over the years. Most of them, I don't really talk to anymore, which is sad, but that's a different story for a different day.
My obsession with military men didn't fully announce itself until I moved to Kansas about 2 years ago. There are 2 bases within 2 hours of me, and that is no good.
My friend, let's call him K Man, sent me an email right after I moved to Kansas. He told me that he would be in Indianapolis for about 5 days, and that we should hang out. I told him that I had moved, and that I wasn't going to be in Indianapolis, to visit, for a couple of months. We caught up on our happenings over the next couple months, when I discovered that he was stationed at Fort Riley. I told him that we needed to hang out, because we hadn't seen each other since senior year of high school.
I decided to take a weekend off of work and go visit him and his Army buddies. We partied, hung out, and had an over-all good time. That added a little more heat to the small fire that burned for military men.
I hadn't had much luck in the dating scene out here, so I decided to start looking online, just to see if my chances would be any better. Many of the web sites I put myself on were crawling with military guys, mainly Army guys.
I decided to give one guy a chance, let's call him PFC Bob. He seemed sweet, funny, and an over-all decent guy. We would talk on the phone for hours, and still have more to talk about the next day. We talked about pretty much everything. We decided to meet, in person, at the movies. This was my first time meeting somebody off the internet, who none of my friends already knew. PFC Bob had just gotten off work, so he was still in his ACUs (can we say HOT!!). He was an MP. We went to the movie and talked about a lot of things. I should have known that he was no good when he said he still lived at home with his parents and spent most of his time playing Halo 3. He was a perfect gentleman. He opened the doors for me and even asked if he could put his arm around me. It was cute, but weird at the same time. Be a man!!! If I don't want your arm around me, I'll move it off of me. The movie sucked, p.s. by the way. Neither one of us wanted to leave, yet, so we walked around, outside the movie theater. We talked a lot, and made out even more. (Don't judge me! I hadn't had a good make out in years, so I was due for it.) I told him that I needed to head home, because it was getting late and I had to be at work early the next day. His response to that was to ask if I wanted to go home with him. STRIKE ONE! He lives at home, with his parents, and they were home at that moment. I'm not going to sneak into their house to have sex with you! STRIKE TWO! I just met him, and he thinks that just because I'm on online dating sites that I'm automatically going to sleep with him when I meet him? Don't be stupid.
Needless to say, I didn't talk to him after that. It really worked out well for me, because right after I quit talking to him, I started talking to another guy, from a different site. He was from Texas, and guess what? Also, in the Army, let's call him Sergeant Major Jimmy.
SM Jimmy and I started talking on a fairly regular basis. We had decided that we were going to meet, get drunk, and see what happened. Since that was what I was used to from Army men, it didn't phase me. We talked for about a month, and finally decided to meet.
I decided to drive to Fort Riley and meet SM Jimmy. I had taken the whole weekend off, so I would have plenty of time to get to know him. Unfortunately, SM had to work from 9am Friday to 9am Saturday. I got to the base around 9pm Friday night. SM and I clicked instantly. I didn't want to stay in the barracks all by myself, so I decided to stay awake with him, while he was on guard duty. I stayed awake with him until about 2 am, and finally had to get to sleep. I had been working all day and was tired. He took me to the barracks and showed me around a little bit. I went to sleep and he went back on duty.
I woke up Saturday morning, just in time to see him walk into the barracks room in his ACUs (barrette and all! HOT!!) As soon as he stepped into the room, my heart skipped a beat, and I knew that I was going to fall for this guy.
Since that first meeting in February, we have tried to see each other every other weekend. Sometimes it doesn't happen, and it makes me sad. He is the man I have waited my life to meet, and now that I have him, I don't ever want to let him go. My best days are when I get to see his smiling face staring at me like it's the first time he's seen me. My worst days are the times I have to tell him goodbye. I love my G.I. Joe and can't wait to see where life takes us.
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